VingCard Elsafe Service

03 8574 7999 (24 hour, 365 days a year)
VingCard Electronic Hotel Locks and Elsafe Electronic In-Room Safes
Supplying and Servicing VingCard Since 1980
As a VingCard Elsafe (Assa Abloy Hospitality) Distributor, we have supplied, installed and serviced the VingCard Electronic Hotel Locks and Elsafe Electronic In-Room Safes since 1980.
Complete History
We have a complete detailed history of each property we have installed including products supplied, complete service history, system backups, software license codes, etc.
Intimate Knowledge
Our intimate knowledge of each property enables us to provide you with fast efficient service.
Feel Confident
You can feel confident you are being supported by the original supplier and installer of your VingCard Elsafe Products.